Interpaul Inverter Repair started in 2013 as a brand-independent repair company of solar panel inverters.
We noticed at that time that many solar panel inverters needed service within or outside the warranty period. However, that service often no langer was given.
The warranty period had just expired, the installer was bankrupt, the installer or manufacturer producer was bankrupt or unavailable, the importer sometimes did not handle the warranty or service.
The customer was left with a defective or malfunctioning inverter. That leads to the fact that approximately 90% of defective inverters are discarded and replaced with new ones. Not good for the wallet and certainly not good for the environment.
With that in mind, we started and grew into a company that repairs more than 3500 inverters per year. Every year again and every year more. With business and private customers from all over Europe. A company with personal attention to the customer and his demand. A company that repairs inverters independent of brand with a small team of highly skilled electronics engineers.
Nowadays we also sell inverters that we have refurbished. Inverters that would otherwise be destroyed. A second opportunity for used inverters. This way you save raw materials, energy and reduce waste. Good for the environment and the wallet!
Try us out and complete the repair form on our website, or go to "Sales list" and find our list of used, refurbished inverters. If you prefer personal contact first, do not hesitate and call. You will find our details under "Contact".